
About Us

What we do: Our research focuses on system management for robust and efficient execution of workloads on networked mobile devices. We create self-aware systems that have the ability to automatically manage themselves given a multi-dimensional goal (performance, efficiency, robustness, etc.). The goals often require tradeoffs and adaptivity to optimize. We work across the system stack, from application, to operating systems, to computer architecture. Areas of interest include: operating systems and computer architecture; predictive modeling of computer systems; runtime decision-making and optimization.

Why we do it: We target applications in Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) domains, such as mobile autonomous devices and AR/XR headsets, that will become achievable with next-generation technologies like 5G networks. We augment systems with runtime intelligence necessary to practically deploy these future applications. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your cutting-edge ideas, energy, enthusiasm, and skill to revolutionize future connected devices and machines.

Who is interested: We typically disseminate in top systems conferences (ASPLOS, ESWEEK, DATE) and journals (IEEE TC, ACM TECS), and collaborate with research institutions across the world (UC Irvine, TU Munich). We target application domains of interest to device and infrastructure companies (Meta, Google, Apple, Amazon).

Who we are looking for: In general, candidates should have experience in C++, and foundational knowledge in statistics and computer science/engineering. If interested, please send your resume as well as a bit about yourself and your interests to

Desired Experience/Knowledge:

  • Experience in at least one of the following areas: cyber-physical systems, optimization, modeling, perception
  • Experience in the following languages: C++, Python
  • Ability to formulate problems and solve them independently and in groups
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to acquire new knowledge, apply it, and spread it to others
  • Strong communication skills in written and spoken English and good presentation skills

Current Openings

Currently seeking:

  • One PhD student to begin Fall 2025 (application cycle Fall 2024) in the area of collaborative perception in edge networks. Contact me as soon as possible if interested.
  • SDSU students interested in GPU or HDL programming for ongoing projects.

Undergraduate/Graduate Projects

Ongoing projects consistently have opportunities for undergraduate (or graduate) student contributions. See my research page and recent publications for general topics (autonomous cyber-physical systems, intelligent edge systems, etc.). Essential skills include proficiency in Python, C++, and Linux commandline interface. Contact me if interested.